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3 Things You Can Do When You're Overwhelmed About Marketing For Your Practice

Social media is great for many things, but there are times when you need to detox from it for a tiny minute.

You're looking around on social media to see what others are posting about their business, their successes and their wins. You come across some peers you follow who are doing super fantastic marketing for their businesses and you wonder, what in the world am I doing? Is my marketing company doing anything for me? Why can't I have that marketing setup?

You get discouraged and put it off to the side some more.

I totally get it. I've been there and let's get you out of this funk and into something real exciting for 2020!

1. Social Media Detox

Seriously, it's time for you to take a few days off the whole social media addiction to look at what other people are doing and focus on what you're doing. This is actually good news to you and your business. If you didn't have this funk going on, you would just go on with your life continually liking, commenting and following other people and their glamorous lives.

2. Brainstorm Session

Remembering that you have your team who also has absolute interest in growing your business (hopefully you have these type of people working for and with you), it's time to grab some lunch for everyone and have a marketing brainstorm meeting.

Here's a great outline to follow:

  • We're on a mission to get some great patients in, who's in to support?

  • Everyone, please share your ideas.

  • What type of treatments do we want to increase in our practice?

  • What are some local groups we can involve our practice with or become a proud sponsor to?

  • What local events are going on throughout the year?

  • Which events are great for our practice to be a part of?

  • Who's good at social media?

  • What's the most addicting channel for each of you? Why?

  • How can we implement some of these ideas to work for us in 2020?

3. Execute With an Intention

Now that you've had your brainstorm session with your team, you are ready to plan out your whole year's worth of marketing for your practice. Get your planner hat on and execute with an absolute intention to win in 2020! Delegate some of the marketing to your team first, then you. Once you've gotten some of the works out of your way, connect with your marketing company of choice and get a voice in for your practice to your community. Go get em!

Remember, you've got this. You have led a strong team thus far and rather than staying envious to what other successful practices are doing, focus on your wins in the new year.

Signing off,

Helen Han

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